
Fish are friends, not food.... except for the yummy ones...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A week in the life of Boris

Now you may be wondering (I'm sure you are!) what Boris gets up to on an average week (when he isn't busy mauling the hand that feeds him).
Here is a run-down of Boris's movements over the last week:


Boris has a bit of a snooze (at least he's on Todd's chair and not mine :-)


Having made the big effort and moved 3 metres Boris is now stationed in the middle of the narrowest walkway in the house. How do cats do that??!!


Mmmmmm, the cat heater. Boris's favourite appliance.


"If I move back here a bit it's even warmer!" (extensive tests found that moving too far back resulted in falling off the back of the cat heater).


Time for some work. Boris takes up typing. I think he needs a bigger keyboard though, as he completely engulfs the current model.


Must be time for more cat heating. It's been a hard week and Boris knows how to wind-down.


"The weekend is almost over", Boris prepares himself mentally for another busy week...


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