
Fish are friends, not food.... except for the yummy ones...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Telecom are scum

Several months ago Mum's little country school tried to get broadband... after being told jetstream was available the school bought a DSL router, line filters, and Todd and I installed a network for them. Two weeks later Telecom reneged and said the school couldn't have jetstream because the line between the road and the school was fibre optic (lol - not bad for a school built in the 50's!) We later learnt from one of their tech.s that the exchange box across the road needed upgrading and Telecom weren't willing to do it (even though they are obliged to provide broadband to every school in the country as part of project probe).

After this little episode it kinda goes without saying that Mum and Dad were more than a little cautious when Telecom delivered pamphlets to their RD area "You can now get Jetstream".
They checked the line on the jetstream website, but of course that says it's available regardless so they also contacted Telecom for a line test to establish wether it would work. A few days later they got the news that they could indeed get Jetstream. Several years of waiting for broadband were over.... they promptly bought a DSL router, line filters and Todd and I set up their network. We contacted an ISP and ordered an account.
37 days later.... turns out when the Telecom tech. went to the exchange to upgrade the connection there weren't enough spare ports... so upgrading the exchange has been put on the list of things to do... no estimation of how long that will take...

Why would anyone do a specific pamphlet drop to an area where they don't provide service? Are they intentionally trying to piss people off?


At 1:43 AM, March 17, 2005, Blogger Mad Hatter. said...

Now this is the blogging I like! Nuttin' like a bloggy good whinge :-)

Answer to your first question: Because they're feckin idiots

Answer to your 2nd question: Yes

Soooooooo, I guess trademe has some only slightly soiled routers, line filters and cabling for sale cheap? Could you swap it for a Hilux?

Maybe you could design up a new 'bugger' ad for Telecum but make it 'assholes' and have kids standing at the school gate with a disconnected computer around the country and your Mum on the phone listening to hold muzak and looking pissed.

Lots of love, Mad Hatter the advertising genius.


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