Don't trust DOC fishing spots
Kinda makes sense I 'spose.
Todd and I just spent the afternoon walking to a fishing spot at Takatu Point (end of Tawharanui Peninsula). Took us about an hour to walk there (carrying chilli-bin of bait and a couple of surfcasting rods) to discover there is no way of getting to the water as the track ends at a very steep cliff.
We decided to walk back to the car via another fishing spot on the DOC map... it was accessible, but crap.
We also noticed the marine reserve on their map wasn't in the same place as the marine reserve markers in real life.
I think the lesson here is that DOC don't take map-making very seriousy... and they are crap fisho's.
At least I've now started exercising ready for Vietnam ;-)

Write more blogs fisho! Need procrastination material!!!!! :-)
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